
One Day Vacation

It could change your life! Ok, it could change your attitude!

When I was a teenager, the thing I enjoyed most about having my driver’s license was the ability to leave the house and just drive. There were times I had no agenda, no intentions of seeing a friend or going shopping, I just drove. More often than not. I ended up driving out towards a woman I used to babysit for. She lived in what my mom considered ‘the country’ but was really just the northern part of our county.

I saw horses, smelled cows and turned corners we didn’t have in the city or the part of the county where I grew up. There was nothing spectacular. It was simple. It was a change of venue. Our eyes, minds, olfactory senses get stagnant. When we see the same sights, hear the same sounds and experience the same routines day after day, our minds get fuzzy. Or, at least, mine does.

Give your mind a vacation. Set your sights on something outside of your norm. If you’re a go-getter, take a pottery class. If you’re more of a hermit and prefer to keep to yourself, get out there and plan an adventure!

6 Ways To Get-A-Way For The Day

Take a class. Sign up online, watch one on Youtube or go to your local community college and audit!

Go to the library. Today there is even more to do in a library than when we were kids.

Meet a friend for tea at the Ritz. If you haven’t done it, you should. My bougiest best friend took me 20+ years ago in London. I’ll still never forget it.

Volunteer at the zoo or local animal shelter. Volunteer wherever you like!

Test drive your dream car. As crazy as it is, the Tahoe is still my favorite vehicle. Gave my old one to my ex. Cried on the way to the lot to buy my new car. Miss it to this day.

Check out my absolute FAVORITE travel website and look at what others have done in your city. No need to reinvent the wheel.