
Waking Up Like An Empowered BadAss


It’s rare that I spring from bed feeling like taking on the world. This morning, my son woke me up too early for a Sunday, at least in my mind. It was 8:20 am. Who am I kidding, my ass should have been up already.

So, after checking IG, FB and Tinder – all terrible habits I hope to one day dispose of- I showered and suddenly felt energized. So energized in fact that I made a video of myself in the bathroom (don’t worry I was fully clothed at this point).

Empowerment is another really trendy term. You can google search it, images for it, find empowerment temples, schools and classes. It’s EVERYWHERE. But in this transitional time in my life, it is truly fitting. I knew in the back of my mind that my divorce would set me free.

My husband was not a bad man, let me set that straight. But I was struggling. I felt restrained.

Our relationship was choking me.

So waking up this morning, separated over a year, divorced just two months I recognized that I was happy with ME.

I am happy as I am, with who I am and where I am. The feelings of being emancipated, unyoked, unfettered, unshackled, unchained were so real.

WHY AM I A BADASS? (I mean, empowered…..)

Do you know what I did with this feeling???

I changed the fucking light bulb for my rear brake light. I KNOW!!!
Am I a  BADASS or WHAT???

I intend to go through my day just like this.

Badass Extraordinaire.
Kicking Ass and taking names.

Even when it starts to rain and my newly coiffed hair flops. Even when my teenager throws me attitude. Even when my mother repeats herself for the 35th time at brunch today.

I am hangin’ on to this BADASS attitude. Care to join me? Think about what we could do as women feeling as empowered as I do right now. Let’s hang onto this feeling.

Look out for us middle aged badass bitches world.


The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fuck